Choosing the right agent?
The best agent for you is the agent that you are able to trust to guide you through the process.
A few indicators of a good agent are:
- Qualifications
- Professionalism and Training
- Reputation
- Knowing their client
- A strong local presence
- Positive first impressions
- Websites and online presence
- The relationship with your agent is important and if you don’t believe that they will do a good job for you or are trustworthy, then they are not the right agent for you.
- Recommendations
It is possible to sell your property privately, but there are significant risks attached. Using professionals for each part of the process will provide you with expert knowledge and the right legal protection.
Barcelona International will be responsible to help you all over the process including:
- Setting the price
- Marketing
- Arranging viewings
- Negotiating the offers
- Progressing the sale through solicitors
- Reaching as wide a market
- Private sale marketing websites